Uli's Lily

David Pilling via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 10:44:12 PDT
Hi Laura,

It is a very nice lily, here is a link to the picture:


Click to see full size.

On 26/06/2024 15:01, Laura Grant via pbs wrote:
>   I apologize but I did not know how to reply to the Forum.

1- sign up to the forum (top left)

2- log in to the forum (selecting 'forever' so you don't have to repeat 

3 - there's an area to type your reply at the bottom of each post.

> "it looks like the fabulous, even rarer lilium Vico Queen"..."Vico gold is
> yellow with a darker exterior"

Nice lily...

David Pilling
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