Planting Notes

Robert Lauf via pbs
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 07:08:36 PDT
The bulbs from our recent group order are being distributed.  As you know, we need to be mindful of the fact that the plants have been moved by six months w/r/t their existing internal clocks, so Leigh has kindly provided the following guidelines to help you get your bulbs established and acclimated.
Plant everything on arrival. 
Winter growers: water once and then wait to see if they sprout. If they do, water every 10 days and the soil must dry out in between waterings. If they dont sprout, wait until autumn.  It can take up to 2 years for some bulbs to acclimatize. Don't throw anything out unless on arrival, the bulbs have totally dried out/shriveled up to nothing.
Evergreen and summer growers: water once and then as they sprout, water once a week or as necessary depending on species requirements and of course depending on how hot it is.
Most bulbs need very well drained soil.

Happy growing!
Bob     Zone 7 getting some much needed rain
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