how to write to an individual member

Diane via pbs
Mon, 02 Nov 2020 15:55:42 PST
In some lists, a reply goes to the person who wrote the message you are responding to, and if you want it to go to everyone on the list, you have to make a special effort.  Instead of hitting “reply” one has to hit “reply to all”.

PBS is not like that.  A reply goes to the whole membership, and in order to send a private message to the person who posted a message, you have to make a special effort.

The message you received will have this at the top:

NAME of person who wrote the message via pbs
[pbs]  Title of the message
To: Pacific Bulb Society,  Cc: Name of person who wrote the message.

If you put your cursor on the name after the Cc, you will get a v

When you click on that v, the first line will be the email address of the person who wrote the message.

Under that are a few choices (in my mail program - yours may be a bit different):

Copy address
Add to VIPs
New email
Add to Contacts (or your address book)
Search for Name of person who wrote the message.

To send a message to that person, I click on “New email”

Diane Whitehead

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