Excess Gladiolus (commercial hybrids)

Sally Bourrie sbourrie@verizon.net
Tue, 02 Jan 2018 15:15:25 PST
Dear Chad,
I am not a PBS member; I am only on the listserv, but I would be grateful to receive some of your bulbs, if any remain after members respond. I live in Maryland And I think it is probably too cold to send them now. 
Thank you for your consideration. 
Sally Bourrie

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  On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 5:25 PM, Chad Cox<clcox@ucdavis.edu> wrote:   Dear fellow PBS members,

A few years ago I made the mistake of planting a bunch of what were labeled as "mixed Gladiolus" in a large flower bed that I constructed. The bulbs were given to me as a gift and I am not certain of their origin, but do know they were likely purchased from a commercial bulb company. I just dug out this bed and literally have hundreds and hundreds of these bulbs and I'm not interested in filling all of the rest of my land up with them so I was wondering if anybody might be interested in some? I know they are probably rather boring comparatively speaking to what most of us are usually interested in, but I figured I would ask. I am willing to send them to anyone who wants them for only the cost of shipping. I would donate them but I'm sure the cost would be prohibitive and interest in them minimal. I have attached a couple of images to give you an idea of the flower colors but there's no way I can guarantee what any of them are individually. Please contact me privately if you a
 re inter

Chad Cox

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Chad L. Cox, Ph.D.
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