Calochortus minimus/nudus/hybrid/

Michael Drake
Mon, 18 Sep 2017 15:07:53 PDT

We recently had the good fortune to spend a few days at Mt Lassen National
Park in northern CA.

On August 20th, on the trail from Cold Boiling Lake to Crumbaugh Lake, I
saw the attached Mariposa Lilies.

They were growing along a wooded, partially sunny trail a little below

As far as I can tell, they are C minimus, Sierra Mariposa Lily.

However the plant list for the park only lists C. nudus, Naked Mariposa

The park naturalist indicates that without a specimen, it is impossible to
tell whether this is a new species for the park (C minimus),
or a hybrid of C minmus and C nudus.

Do any of you have any thoughts on this?   I could not find anything
published online about hybrids of these species and how to identify them.

Any help would be appreciated.

Michael Drake
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