Introduction [and Crinum bulbispermum 'jumbo']

Michael Kent
Sat, 01 Jul 2017 19:34:03 PDT
Starts by introducing himself to Kathleen Sayce; channeling Bugs Bunny as
the Barber of Seville; soaking Kathleen's scalp in a bowl of beer for half
an hour; giving her hair a quick spritz of vinegar, then pouring a mound of
diatomaceous earth and crushed eggshells on top of her head and hiding the
pile with a big 'ol beehive hairdo. Declares Kathleen's cranium to be
snail/slug free!

I'm in my early fifties, semi-retired, and live in the Finger Lakes region
of Upstate New York (Zone 6b). I've had a clivia (orange) for almost thirty
years, and a few Habranthus and Zephyranthes for a decade. But, I didn't
develop Amaryllid Fever until about a year ago.

I'm lucky enough to live on one of the Finger Lakes; normally that's a big
plus, this year it will be challenging. This Spring has been the wettest on
record since 1873. The lake level has been within six inches of elevated
level (National Weather Service considers flood level to be when structures
begin flooding - flooding of lawns and docks (and erosion of beaches) is
"just" elevated level.) since early February (as opposed to the normal 2
weeks in late May at/near elevated level). No threat of serious flooding or
erosion (for me) unless we cross flood level (one foot above elevated), but
keeping the plants from getting soggy is getting time consuming. I'm trying
to decide if my less-hydrophilic amaryllids would be better off protected
from the rain and in indirect sunlight (at best) in the garage; or out in
the full sun, but exposed to frequent dousings. So far, none are looking
stressed (thankfully, I used lots of gravel, pumice and coarse sand in my
potting mix). Maybe I should start expanding into amaryllids that are

(Ina Crossley - I'd love to take over the task of keeping Dell supplied
with Habranthus and Zephyranthes seeds, however, at least for the next few
years, my growing space is too limited. All of my H. and Z. will be growing
and blooming within a few feet of each other and maintaining purity of the
seeds would be difficult.)

(Jim Waddick - yes, please, dispense some more crinum love to the SX -
crinums love rain!)

I'm looking forward to meeting and learning from all the experienced
growers on this list.

Mike (who peers out the window and sees that it is raining, again)
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