Lee Poulsen
Mon, 16 Jan 2017 09:47:25 PST
Telos is extremely reliable. Diane knows her bulbs.

The Japanese guy is Komoriya and he has been breeding all kinds of bulbs, especially Hippeastrum for decades. His stock is wholesaled all over Japan. He even has some rare species of other bulbs that if you find them on his actual website (rather than just what he offers on eBay), I’ve been told you can email him and request them and he’ll offer them when they’re dormant. (He also has some amazing Lachenalia hybrids that he once offered a couple of years ago on eBay for a few months.)

Finally, there is an excellent seed source for Brazilian Hippeastrum species (and some primary crosses). That would be Brazilplants which is run by Mauro Peixoto. (If you’re ever in the vicinity of São Paulo, Brazil and can afford an extra day to head out to his farm and shade houses, you’ll be blown away by all the rare and amazing Brazilian natives he grows. For example, picture a piece of one-meter diameter concrete pipe placed vertically on the ground outside and filled with well drained medium as a sort of giant pot or small bed, filled with about 25 giant bulbs of Worsleya all of which are in full bloom with about hundred of those amazing purple-lavender flowers open at the same time!)

Now if we could just get someone in Argentina, and especially Bolivia, to start up a mail order nursery to grow and offer seeds of their native Hippeastrums (someone in Peru would be nice, too), I would be in heaven. But it would also mean that CHAD sufferers would never be cured. If you have a Facebook account, go look at the photos of Bolivian Hippeastrum species that Raul Fernando Lara Rico has posted. Actually, I think he also cross-posts them on the Planet Botanical Hippeastrum Facebook group site, which if you go there and search the group for his name, you’ll eventually find a series of photos of all the native Bolivian species. But I warn you that you’ll get a serious flare up of Hippeastrum lust.

--Lee Poulsen
Pasadena, California, USA - USDA Zone 10a
Latitude 34°N, Altitude 1150 ft/350 m

> On Jan 15, 2017, at 7:48 PM, Tim Eck <> wrote:
> There is a reliable Japanese vendor who sells on eBay.  I have ordered from them with good luck.  You can also order some excellent hippeastrums from bulk domestic dealers (Sunshine etc.) and niche breeders ( Mary Mancini ?) on eBay.  I haven't ordered from them in a few years so my info might be outdated.
> Tim
>> -----Original Message-----
>> The only one I know is Telos Rare Bulbs in CA. Diane who is the proprietor
>> appears here on occasion.
>> Arnold

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