Is it spring in MO ?

James Waddick
Sat, 25 Feb 2017 13:53:47 PST
Dear PBS res,

	Signs of spring abound and then on hold. We had a week of temps in the 70s F - Some with sunshine and others overcast and broke a few record highs in the week. Unfortunately, we are almost a month without much rain (less than .1 in.)

	But bulbs don’t seem to mind with a number of Snow Drops to start the season, 3 or 4 crocus including C. sieberi ‘Firefly’’ and lots of self sown “Tommies”. For some reason Adonis amurensis has gone gang busters with about 40 blooming plants suddenly. 

	The Daffodil ‘Rynveld’s Early Sensation’ is living up to its name and looking great. No others even close.

	At least 4 early reticulata iris selections are in bloom and others showing foliage.

	More foliage showing on various spring Lycooris, Dutch Hyacinths, the first Chionodoxa pushing up dark foliage. Colchicums just starting and some species tulips with foliage. 

	The showiest non-bulbs include Hamemmalis ‘ Pallida’, Cornus officinalis ‘Spring Glory’, Magnolia zennii, Abeliophyllum ‘Rosea’.  Too many Hellebores to mention.

	Today an Iris cretensis popped open a flower. These don’t always produce any flowers and their appearance is always a treat. I’m sure I have missed something, but there is garden news almost daily.

	Of course after a week of 70, overnight plummeted back to around 23 F and it looked and felt very ‘ice box’ this morning. Weather wrmed to 50 and overnights will just barely go below freezing so not much damages done. Always an exciting. Seems like spring, at least on a ‘good day”.

		Best		Jim W. 

Dr. James Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd
Kansas City, MO 64152-2711
Phone     816-746-1949

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