Seller of rotten bulbs

Hansen Nursery
Wed, 15 Feb 2017 11:49:47 PST
I don't know if anyone is aware of the Dave's Garden website, but that would
be a good place to add your ratings of nurseries and other suppliers,
especially if you get no response from the seller or are unable to add
further ratings to places such as Amazon or PayPal.  I've used this website
on occasion and I think it would be helpful.

However, I also believe that it is appropriate to at least mention briefly
any issues one has with a supplier, the reason being that others may have
helpful suggestions on how to deal with a particular situation.  I
acknowledge that I'm ignorant about a lot of suppliers and just a heads-up
can at least make me more discerning when I order.

Robin Hansen
Southwestern Oregon
Raining and windy but very warm

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