Question for all members of the Forum

Hansen Nursery
Wed, 15 Feb 2017 17:17:29 PST
Good evening, or whatever it might be where you are..


I know that many of you are interested in growing amaryllids and I'm trying
to keep those kinds of articles coming, but I really need to know what
other, non-amaryllid bulbs you would be interested in reading about, so
please, please let me know.  You can send me a one-word email for all I
care, but do let me know!


You can reply directly to me at or if it doesn't
overwhelm the forum answer generally.  This is your bulb journal and I want
to give you information and photos that you will enjoy and learn about new
ways of growing new plants (or old ones).


Many thanks for your responses,


Robin Hansen

Editor, Pacific Bulb Society Journal


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