Calochortus Bulbs & Seeds

Sun, 10 Dec 2017 12:05:57 PST
>We are interested in starting a collection of Calochortus to display in our gardens [...]
Who among us does not want that? 
Alplains is a good resource for seed, especially for species native to areas with cold winters. 
My experience with the commercially-available bulbs has been variable, to say the least. A couple of bulbs of Calochortus ‘Cupido’ and ‘Golden Orb’ have been here for many years, flowering every year, resisting the continued depredation by rabbits. Rabbits and calochortus do not mix well. 
Some years ago I planted about sixty bulbs of ‘Golden Orb’, hoping to have more than just the one or two already here, and not a single one came up. Unusual, even for me. 
Bob Nold
Denver, Colorado, USA
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