Bloomeria crocea

John Wickham
Mon, 04 Dec 2017 05:50:15 PST
Some of the taxa in this family (including Brodiaea and Triteleia) will bloom after their leaves start to die. I can't recall if Bloomeria do this or not. I do know that I've seen them blooming as late as June and July. So I'd watch for the end of both bloom (if they're blooming) and leaves as the sign of dormancy. 

    On Sunday, December 3, 2017 10:22 PM, Mary Sue Ittner <> wrote:

 This species is native to central and southern California (Mediterranean 
climate) and is dormant summer into fall. Most likely when it goes 
dormant and when it starts into growth depends somewhat on rainfall.

Mary Sue

> When is this species dormant in its natural environment?

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