New Moraea hybrids, 2016

Kathleen Sayce
Sun, 12 Jun 2016 09:57:38 PDT

I very much enjoy seeing the results of this year’s flowering. Have you tried chromatography of the petals to see where the pigments are located in cells? In irises, the cellular sap contains anthocyanins (pinks, purples, blues) and plastids contain carotenoids (yellows of various hues). There is not yet a true red pigment among them––can’t rule out that a ‘red’ will appear at some point. 

Irises that look red are balanced between colors from plastids and intracellular sap. Moraeas may be similar. 

The pH of the cell affects the expressed color of the anthocyanins as well, so breeding for color when anthocyanins are used is indirectly selecting for pH. 


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