Amaryllis belladonna blooming project - year 5

Nhu Nguyen
Mon, 18 Jul 2016 13:18:04 PDT
Dear bulbophiles,

The first Amaryllis belladonna of the season has popped in Berkeley.

I'm continuing to collect data for the blooming time for this species. This
would be the fifth annual email that I have sent out to the group
requesting your help to collect data for a project. The main goal is to
collect blooming time of Amaryllis belladonna to determine what cause the
flowers to break dormancy and start growing.

So far based on three year's data, the blooming time correlated with
temperature. I would like to collect more data as it will support the
temperature hypothesis. This is where you can help. Please visit the survey
form below:

Once you're there, just fill in the blanks and that's it. Please feel free
to fill in as many times as you wish as they continue to bloom or if you
see them elsewhere.

Thanks in advance for your help!

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