Dracunculus and Dogs

Kelly O'Neill kellyo@wetrock.com
Fri, 22 Jul 2016 03:44:06 PDT
On 21 Jul 2016 at 17:00, Judy Glattstein wrote:

> Some time ago I mentioned something about the rotting meat smell of 
> dracunculus when in bloom and how odd it was that dogs totally ignored it.
> Someone did offer an explanation but I cannot find it.
> Anyone? An explanation / theory / suggestion - scientific or otherwise?

I do not actually know the answer, but, It seems likely we think 
it smells like rotting meat and dogs can tell the difference easily 
due to having much better noses than us. Or maybe they 
chased the smell down one time and found it was not a good 
thing to get mixed up with and they stay away from it now...

 Kelly O'Neill  aka  Big Bubbler  
       http://www.wetrock.com/ and
and  Wet Rock Gardens Flower Farm
2877 N 19th Street - Springfield, Oregon 97477
U-Pick and more at the farm (open 9 to 6, Sun, 
Wed and Fri - from March thru Halloween)
kellyo@wetrock.com - http://www.wetrock.com/

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