
David Pilling
Mon, 25 Jul 2016 17:37:16 PDT

On 26/07/16 01:13, Lee Poulsen wrote:
> By chance did anyone else get some of these seeds and get them to grow properly, or even thrive?

I had a look if there had been any previous postings to the PBS list 
about this genus [1]. Seeing that there were for T. mira (people growing 
it from seed), I thought about what I'd just seen on the wiki "is known 
only by the type collection" i.e. it is lost.

Asking the experts about the seeds being grown, got the response "This 
is a myth, we already discovered it is not true and it was a Hybrid of 
Hippeastrum "

Seemingly Tocantinia is difficult to grow, if anyone has had success 
with any species it would be of interest.


David Pilling

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