
Mary Sue Ittner
Wed, 27 Jul 2016 07:27:24 PDT
I quote from the paper:

"The original population of the collection was not located, as well as 
subsequent collections of this species" and "Conservation Status: The 
species is known only by the type collection and the population was not 
yet located in habitat." That raises a lot of questions about what the 
plants were that Ravenna named and makes it puzzling how anyone could 
grow seeds of this named species. On the other hand the authors also 
write: "The genus Tocantinia consists of rare plants from the Cerrado 
Biome, which are in gregarious populations, tough composed of relatively 
large number of individuals." And one of the photos from the paper shows 
a lot of plants in flower so the two new species have been found in habitat.

They also write: "In a morphological-phylogenetic context, the genus is 
related to other genera of Hippeastrinae, especially with Habranthus, 
Hippeastrum and Zephyranthes." Blooming after rainfall and only very 
briefly certainly seems similar to the other "rain lilies". It sounds to 
me that for a gardener it wouldn't be a very satisfactory genus to try 
to grow as it would be difficult to create the conditions it was used to 
and if you did get it to bloom, the bloom would be at night and very brief.

But then many of us have grown and continue to grow some short blooming 
Irids from South Africa.

Mary Sue

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