Amaryllis belladonna bulbs available..and other questions...

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:17:04 PST
Hello everyone,

I have some large bulbs of Amaryllis belladonna available.  I got them in a
trade, and I received too many.  I have four bulbs.  They are the following
sizes: 30cm, 25cm, 25cm, and 14cm.  I’m new to growing bulbs, so I’m not
sure if these are blooming size.  Are they?  (I have a couple of 30cm bulbs
myself, and I’d like to know if I can expect them to bloom this year.)

I’d be happy to give the bulbs away if you cover the cost of shipping.  Or,
I can trade.  I have an interest in species to Hymenocallis,
Cryptostephanus, Crinum, and Allium.  I’m new though, so that list isn’t
set in stone.  Just shoot me a message, and we can go from there.


In northwest Louisiana (USA)

Zone 8b

32nd Parallel North
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