What to do with bulbs that don't have flowers.

Dennis Kramb dkramb@badbear.com
Tue, 12 Apr 2016 06:25:34 PDT
They may need a longer chilling period.  You could try lifting them in fall
& refrigerating them.  Check out these links:


Good luck!
Dennis in Cincinnati

On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 9:17 AM, Sujit Hart <sujithart@gmail.com> wrote:

> I put in some Tulipa clusiana and some daffodils maybe three or four years
> ago. The second year after planting they came back in the spring with some
> flowers, maybe 70%. This year I only go one daffodil bloom.  Should I get
> rid of all the bulbs and plant something else instead, or is there anything
> I can do to get them to bloom again?
> Another question is regarding my Boophone. I have had them for three years
> now and they are sending out leaves in the fan shape this year (first time
> it did this for me). They are currently in a clay pot with potting medium
> that consists of 50% sand and 50% potting mix. I would like to keep them
> alive until they will flower which is  probably another 10 years or more.
> How often should I repot them and is it necessary to increase pot size.
> They are in the 8" pot now.
> Thank you,
> Sujit Hart
> Houston, Texas
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