PBS website contact:sowing Albuca seeds

Eugene Zielinski eez55@earthlink.net
Fri, 13 Nov 2015 18:15:05 PST
Sorry. My e mail program converted the original message to HTML. Here it is in plain text...

PBS received a request for information on germinating some South African seeds. If you would like to provide some information, please reply to Sharon personally (norahsrehsif@hotmail.com). Thanks.

Eugene Zielinski

-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Nov 13, 2015 2:25 AM
>Subject: PBS website contact:///sowing/ Albuca seeds
>Hi,I have just been given some Albuca Spiralis,Namequentis,Massonia and some Lachenalia Viridiflora seeds-I have looked these plants up but no clear info on what I\'m seaching for---------can you give me some information on when and how to sow and how to care for the seeds once they have germinated---I live in Melbourne--Australia.
> Cheers Sharon
>Pacific Bulb Society web site
>email: website@pacificbulbsociety.org

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