Managing oxalis obtusa seed pods? (Rick Buell)

Nhu Nguyen
Sun, 08 Feb 2015 18:28:57 PST
As much as I would love to see some O. obtusa seeds in the BX, reports has
it that they are recalcitrant and will germinate right away.

Most Oxalis (except for the panglobal weed in the stricta group), are
obligate out-crossers, employing a heterostyly system. What that means is
that even if you have two clones and they have the same style morphs, they
won't make seeds. So multiple clones are necessary for seed production.


On Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 9:50 AM, Tim Eck <> wrote:

> Please put some seed on the SX.  I got a lot of oxalis on the BX but none
> are making seed which defeats my purpose

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