Allium perdulce

Jim McKenney
Wed, 08 Apr 2015 10:58:41 PDT
Wow! What a small world. Let me add a bit to Ellen's story. 
The Allium perdulce I mentioned in my post, the one I first saw at a rock garden show, was one grown and shown at a Pittsburg NARGS chapter show. I had been invited to judge; I knew no one in that group, but a member of our NARGS chapter recruited me to help with the judging. 
It was a small show with one judging team, and as a guest judge I was given lots of say about the judging (or was it because I had so much to say?). When the judging was over and the names of the exhibitors was revealed, I've got to admit that I was pretty proud that most of my blue ribbon choices had been exhibited by the home town champ, the same Carl Gehenio Ellen told you about. 
And among them was that pan of Allium perdulce, the first of that species I had ever seen. 
Nice memories, indeed. 
Jim McKenneyMontgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where the rain has temporarily stopped and everything seems to have grown a couple of inches. 
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