Flower photography organization

Leo Martin stnalpsoel@gmail.com
Sun, 12 Apr 2015 12:08:21 PDT
Backup, backup, backup. And verify your backups are readable.

Black ink on white parchment or paper may last millennia, but electronic
storage media become obsolete and unreadable as technology changes. Can you
read files on your 5.25 inch floppy disks? That was only 25 years ago. Even
if the media were still readable - they aren't, they don't last so long -
you would have a hard time finding a functioning drive in a functioning
computer that could communicate with a modern computer.

Colored inks on paper or slides fade relatively quickly as well.

Whenever new storage technology comes out you need to make multiple copies
of your data to the new media, and retain all your old copies on old media.
I still have 20+ year old IBM SCSI hard drives I can read, but this is

File organization: De gustibus, non disputandum est. I have subdirectories
for each location (Mexico 2001, DBG Spring 2011, Home) and subdirectories
for each date on the trip or at that location. Images from that date go
into that directory. I leave the original name assigned by the camera on
each file. I go through each day's images and copy (not rename) each to a
new image file un the same dated directory with the name of the plant in
format Genus_species_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS.JPG . That way if I use the image
someplace else I can figure out rapidly where it originated. (It is
difficult with advancing age to keep track of thousands of children's

I also have subdirectories for each filled camera card (see first line of

I find it faster to search this way than when all the photos are in one
huge directory. I still somewhat recall where I have been the last few

I don't use image software to store files. It becomes obsolete too.
(iPhoto?) I store image files in plain old directories. Ten years from now,
would you be able to pull images from an old iPhoto archive? I doubt it.

Leo Martin
Zone ?
Phoenix Arizona USA

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