Snail tossing...

Fred Biasella
Thu, 04 Sep 2014 08:09:28 PDT
Ha Ha...I do that with SLUGS and I get a great sense of satisfaction too.  Lately though, my garden has been invaded with these striped snails and I Just crush them with my fingers (same satisfaction)  :-)))))

-----Original Message-----
From: pbs [] On Behalf Of Kipp McMichael
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 8:36 PM
To: Pacific Bulb Society
Subject: Re: [pbs] Snail tossing...

My front yard is a planted in succulents and cacti (a few Boophones seem quite happy there, as well). Snails are uncommon due to the aridity, but a few venture in during rainy weather or  foggy evenings. The yard is on a busy street and nothing beats the satisfaction of rolling an invasive European landsnail beneath the implacable wheel of oncoming traffic :-)

Berkeley, CA

> Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2014 17:07:30 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [pbs] Snail tossing...
> I used to hurl snails from my second floor balcony onto the pavement below.  When they hit, typically the shell would bounce in one direction and its contents in another.
> Our drought seems to have had a more profound effect on them than I ever had.
> David E.
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