Honeybees and pollen

linda thames lthames@cableone.net
Sat, 15 Nov 2014 04:36:18 PST
This sounds as though it would call for bee keepers in areas with those
plants to be contacted to find out what they think about this.

On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 3:13 AM, steven hart <
hartsentwine.australia@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Leo,  I have a question or 2, ive also read this on many internet
> sights & wikis etc, but so far ive only seen early or ancient history on
> this subject & haven't found any information on recorded modern day deaths
> from plant or bulb contaminated honey....:(
> I know Xenophon described this in Roman times, but I wonder what scientific
> evidence he used to prove it was plant caused & not any of the other
> numerous causes of toxic honey.. But if people have died in North America
> from such honey, im guessing this was probably in modern times when science
> could actually test the honey to prove it was a particular plant
> cause...  Is there a modern record of this available to see ?
> Does anyone know of any scientific evidence of deaths in the modern era
> proven to be from plant caused poisons ?
> As a former bee grower, I would be extremely interested in concrete proof
> that a particular plant caused toxic honey that was proven to cause a
> death. Part of the reason I ask is, I used to have my bee hives in a
> garden absolutely full of lots of Rhododendrons, Amaryllis including some
> of the poisonous ones mentioned earlier, & I was just about to get bees
> again, European & also stingless Australian Native bees... Although I
> obviously didn't die from my honey before even though the little buzzers
> used to buzz into all the flowers for a look, im now a bit concerned now
> that I might be taking a big risk ?
> I cant help but wonder if the bee growers who grow their honey close to the
> national Rhododendron garden in VIC have ever had any problems with their
> honey...
> On 15 November 2014 14:02, Leo Martin <stnalpsoel@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Xenophon was the first but not the last to describe poisoning by honey
> from
> > plants with toxic nectar. Kalmia latifolia is well-known as a source of
> > this. Deaths have occurred in North America. Rhododendron and other
> Kalmia
> > spp. are also responsible. Leo Martin
> > Zone 9?
> > Phoenix Arizona USA
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> Steven : )
> Esk Queensland Australia
> Summer Zone 5  Winter Zone 10
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