Sharing seeds of rare plants

Sat, 15 Nov 2014 11:28:21 PST
>Some plant genera consist of both
predominantly sexually reproducing species and apomictic microspecies
(stable, genetically uniform, predominantly non-sexually reproducing
populations recognized as species by some botanists and recognized as
microspecies by other botanists). In the Northern Hemisphere, the
genetically uniform microspecies have *larger* ranges than sexually
reproducing species in the same genus.

As example of this is the wider distribution of apomictic forms of 
Townsendia condensata vs. sexually-reproducing forms.
(Beaman, Systematics and Evolution of Townsendia.)

>If I were in your position, I would advocate for an amendment to the
legal statute that encumbers the propagation and distribution of
endangered plants.

There is at least one mail-order nursery which has permits for interstate 
trafficking in Endangered Species, though the seed is collected from stock 
plants grown at the nursery.
I can grow all the endangered cacti I want, and I have the garden conditions 
suitable for their cultivation.
I can't imagine there would be any profit in growing and selling other 
listed species not in the cactus family.
CITES is a different kettle of fish altogether, and should not be confused 
with, or compared to, the ESA, in my opinion.

Bob Nold
Denver, Colorado 

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