Calochortus greenei

Giant Coreopsis
Wed, 21 May 2014 16:09:15 PDT
This may be an obscure one but here goes:

Season after season these bulbs survive, but they aren't terribly robust
(just a single blade) and they don't ever bloom. It's been that way when
they are planted in the ground and when planted in pots.  This year they
were in partial shade in a mix of sand, peat, perlite and some other
organics. Any idea how to improve performance?

I am in LA and C. greenei's range in the far north of California into
It's been suggested that I might want to mimic a cold winter.  How would I
do this - eg, is it as simply as putting the pot in my refrigerator for a
couple of months over the winter?

Any other particular requirements compared to other California
Calochortuses (most of which are doing fine here).  I think they are from
grassy slopes on serpentine - conditions I can't exactly duplicate. Does it
particularly need soil with more organics, more sand ...?  How about sun?
Moisture amounts/timing?

Thanks for whatever you can offer.  Chris.

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