Hyacinthus orientalis cultivars

Peter Taggart petersirises@gmail.com
Tue, 18 Mar 2014 00:20:07 PDT
I disagree in that forcing bulbs does affect the following years growth.
Hyacinths are usually tough enough to overcome this if the bulbs are fed
and allowed a long growing season. Forcing tends to cause the bulbs to
divide into smaller bulbs after flowering. I believe that it also boosts
the flowering at the expense of resources in the bulb which would otherwise
go into boosting leaf growth.

For forced bulbs I expect a year of good flowering followed by a year of
recuperation, the third year should see the plant growing naturally.
Peter (UK)

On 18 March 2014 02:12, Jane McGary <janemcgary@earthlink.net> wrote:

> Lisa wrote
> >Why does forcing them affect them so drastically?  Is there a way to
> >'recharge' the bulbs by planting in the ground for a year or so?
> >Any hope to maintain the wonderful color & scent in the greenhouse without
> >buying new bulbs every year?
> , it is not forcing itself that affects the hyacinths as Lisa
> describes. They are just reverting to their normal appearance after
> having been brought to what is commercially considered their peak of
> perfection by special techniques used in the Dutch bulb trade.

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