Hyacinthus orientalis cultivars

Shoal Creek Succulents group@shoalcreeksucculents.com
Mon, 17 Mar 2014 14:57:27 PDT


Last February; I enjoyed a nice display of Hyacinth flowers inside my
greenhouse that I purchased the Fall before.


This year; I was hoping to replicate the same scenario.  In the Fall; I
moved the potted plants into my unheated garage.  In February; I brought
them in the greenhouse.


I was disappointed by the flowers.


Some research (now) from the internet states that forced bulbs will not have
the same vigor as they did initially.


Why does forcing them affect them so drastically?  Is there a way to
'recharge' the bulbs by planting in the ground for a year or so?  


If they can be recharged outside, then I could buy enough bulbs to rotate
one set of each color to be grown in the pot.


If I just grew them outside; only the rabbits would get to enjoy before they
ate them. :{


Any hope to maintain the wonderful color & scent in the greenhouse without
buying new bulbs every year?


Thanks in advance.


Best regards, Lisa

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