virused Gladiolus?

Nicholas plummer
Sat, 21 Jun 2014 12:53:40 PDT
Last year, I dug some gladiolus corms from an old, abandoned home site at
the edge of our property.  The plants are now blooming, and I'm worried
about the color pattern.  Please take a look and let me know if this looks
like a virus.…

The foliage is clean and the plants are vigorous, although they rarely
bloom at the original site due to encroaching shade and mowing by deer.
I'm not sure how long they have been growing at the site, but all that's
left of the house is a chimney, some patches of daffodils, and the glads.

If this is virus, I'd like to know if viruses of Iridaceae can infect
amaryllids. The glads are in the same flower bed as some crinums and are
about 20 feet away from where I grow my potted South American and African
amaryllids in the summer.

Nick Plummer
Durham, NC, Zone 7

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