Hannon othonna@gmail.com
Sat, 25 Jan 2014 18:09:05 PST
Sharing plants is essential to keeping them with us in cultivation but
there are more dimensions to this than growing, propagation and
distributing them. For whatever reasons, the Antiques Roadshow keeps
millions of viewers riveted with endless references to the history of a
piece, or a potter's mark, signature, etc. The same information pertains to
plants but because it has very low perceived value (or added value) it is
routinely ignored by most growers and nurserymen. Botanic gardens are also
well-stocked with plants that have no provenance. There is little
connection between general collecting and gardening and biological (vs.
horticultural) conservation unless a plant is of known wild origin. Yet we
speak of an unqualified conservation aspect to our efforts very often.

May I suggest that members consider pursuing this information for their
plants as a way to improve the experience of growing and collecting and to
enhance the exchange of "pedigreed" plants with others. This is a major
aspect of what is called *plantsmanship*, a useful English term that
encompasses not only horticulture but botany, history of lineages and
related fields of interest.

Dylan Hannon


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