aphid control was Cyanella seedling advice

Nicholas plummer nickplummer@gmail.com
Tue, 18 Feb 2014 13:08:38 PST
Since aphids are on the leaves, I shouldn't think you would need to soak
the pot.  The imidacloprid in Bayer Tree and Shrub is supposedly systemic,
but I've never seen much effect when it is applied to roots.  As a spray,
it works nicely.

Beware of ethyl alcohol.  Some plants are sensitive.  I once killed a large
Paphiopedilum specimen while experimenting with ethyl alcohol as an
insecticide.  The alcohol got down in the leaf axils and destroyed the
plant tissue.  Isopropyl alcohol is less toxic to plants, and I use 70%
isopropyl to control mealybugs on a variety of orchids and bulbs.


On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 12:56 PM, Rimmer <oldtulips@gmail.com> wrote:

> on advice of someone directly in hopes of ending the aphids i have soaked
> all my pots with a Merit based insecticide (Bayer Tree and Shrub)  - 1 tsp
> per 1 quart, is this too strong a solution?
> the aphids came with Oxalis callosa and O. obtuse - i tried Daconal which
> scorched the Oxalis leaves under the T-5 lights so i used the insect soap
> which does very little.
> Rimmer
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