Cyrtanthus Help in Seattle

Randall P. Linke
Sun, 16 Feb 2014 17:23:56 PST
I have grown Cyrtanthus mackenii and C. brachyscyphus in Seattle, though
not C. montanus.  I grew them in pots outside, though I did bring them in
if there was a freeze.  They thrived and flowered with winter rain and dry

Randy Linke
Seattle, WA

On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 2:45 PM, <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have grown a bulb sold to me as Cyrtanthus montanus for several years.
> I'm growing it in a pot in my cool greenhouse.  The bulb has grown well and
> increased in size, but has never bloomed.  I'm keeping it dry in winter,
> having read the Wiki.  Lately, it is producing myriad offsets around the
> base.  I'm concerned that I have it potted at the wrong depth.  Does anyone
> know how deeply this bulb prefers to be potted?  It is now sitting almost
> completely above the potting mix.  Also, is it best to remove the offsets,
> or let them mature next to the mother bulb?  If I do remove them, how big
> should I let them get before I separate them?
> It is finally really raining here in Seattle and snowing in the
> mountains!  It was mid-50's here yesterday and feels like spring is already
> here.
> Tony Peterson
> Seattle, Zone 8
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