Stenomesson miniatum

Diana Chapman
Sun, 06 Apr 2014 18:20:48 PDT
Hi Paul:

Several kind people have offered me a bulb, so I think I am covered!

The leaves showed the characteristic pattern of virus infection, light 
streaks that had a distinct pattern to them.  This was many years ago, 
and I didn't know anything about virus infections, and the infection 
spread to some of my other bulbs that were nearby, probably by me 
trimming off dying foliage.  I destroyed the lot. In spite of the virus, 
the bulbs bloomed and multiplied vigorously.  Virus is very common in 
commercially grown bulbs, many hybrid narcissus are virused, but still 
grow well, and many hybrid lilies have long been know to be virused.  
More than 90% of the bulbs I grow I grow myself from seed, and my goal 
is to have generations of all my bulbs grown from seed, therefore free 
of virus.

> At 08:52 AM 3/04/2014, you wrote:
>> Does anyone have a bulb of this species? The usual clone in 
>> circulation is felt to be virused, and the bulbs I had many years ago 
>> were definitely virused and were destroyed.  Some kind person gave me 
>> a bulb that he assured me came from a different collection and was 
>> free of virus.  It shows no evidence of virus, and is finally in 
>> bloom, and I would like to be able to get some seed and start a virus 
>> free strain of this species.  I would love to receive either pollen, 
>> or even a virused bulb, and could trade something for it 
>> (unfortunately I can't trade a virus-free bulb of this species yet, 
>> it has barely made one offset).
> Diana,
> What were the symptoms of virus in this species?  I grow it 
> (originally as Urceolina peruviana), and have done for well more than 
> a decade without any signs of virus.  It flowers every year for me, is 
> offsetting decently despite the fact it almost never gets repotted or 
> any care of attention.  I would happily send you a bulb during 
> dormancy, but realise that your quarantine laws make that more 
> difficult now.  Unfortunately pollen from here is November/December 
> region, so unless it can be stored safely that would be of no use to 
> you.  Happy to help out in some way if I can?
> Cheers.
> Paul T.
> Canberra, Australia - USDA Zone Equivalent approx. 8/9
> Min winter temp -8 or -9°C. Max summer temp 40°C. Thankfully, maybe 
> once or twice a year only.
> Growing an eclectic collection of plants from all over the world 
> including Aroids, Crocus, Cyclamen, Erythroniums, Fritillarias, 
> Galanthus, Terrestrial Orchids, Irises, Liliums, Trilliums (to name 
> but a few) and just about anything else that doesn't move!!
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