Jim McKenney Montgomery County, Maryland

elaine e@griffingriffin.co.uk
Thu, 31 Jan 2013 09:28:22 PST

I enjoyed reading your account of your garden, I live in Bristol, in the south of the UK.  Its warmed up here over the past week, when we had snow,
which happens every 3 to 4 years.  Its 9 degrees during the day.  I have snowdrops in the garden and also cyclamen coum. The narcissus are just
showing their leaves.  We have had Fieldfares in the garden looking for berries having come here from Scandinavia, we only see them when it
is very cold here.

Its a lovely time of year, the days are lengthening and there is the promise of Spring, the garden is waking up, every day I go and look to see what
is new.  New buds, fresh leaves, the debris of winter still hanging around, but the excitement of waiting for those little gems of colour.

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