horror story - from the other side.

Dennis Kramb dkramb@badbear.com
Thu, 25 Apr 2013 11:56:11 PDT
Hehehehe... I thinned out my pond of Lousiana Irises one year... about 8
years ago.  I transported them to a newly built park near my house with
several ponds & man-made wetlands.  I planted most of them in the most
inaccessible part of the pond hoping that they could get established &
naturalize.  The rest were planted near the walkway along with some
"boring" Iris virginica.

The first summer they bloomed they were all pilfered.  Every last one of
them from that inaccessible location!  The ones nearest the walkway are
fully established & bloom every year.  So silly!!  :-)

Dennis in Cincinnati

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