Round Up was Cardamine hirsuta

Wed, 03 Apr 2013 06:02:28 PDT
Hello Alberto,
Well said. We cannot alert the world enough about the inherents dangers of 
this system of producing crops. Soybeans is niot the only crop   treated 
that way .  If the public opinion does not show resistance many others  
crops will  be produced that way.

Kind Greetings

Lauw de Jager

South of France

-----Original Message-----
Being funny about such serious environmental matters is not appreciated. 
Most interesting to learn of these not known side effects on some species 
super germination. Besides all the previous speculation about using GMO, the 
main effect of Roundup was not expected by anyone: it is found in the crop 
post harvest. Last year soybean crop here in Argentina was an incredible 50 
million tons, all GM, all Roundup sprayed. This for whom said Roundup was 
used on the vegetable plot.


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