Variegated Society Garlic - Winter Hardy?
Sun, 07 Apr 2013 09:39:38 PDT
Shmuel:  Our winter was mild for December & January, but then the  bottom 
dropped out for February & some of March, during which there was snow  cover 
for most of those 1.5 months.
The plant originally started out with a thin cover of pine bark mulch, but  
that quickly decayed and/or blew away.  No drifts of leaves to act as  
I'll just write it off as a fluke for now.  It was just one  winter.
And don't tell the plant as it may yet expire.  After all it was never  
meant to survive; it was meant as an offering to the plant gods.
--Jerry Lehmann, Olathe, KS, USA, zone 5

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