OT re Roundup was Cardamine hirsuta

Hannon othonna@gmail.com
Wed, 03 Apr 2013 09:44:25 PDT
Just a few thoughts on spraying chemicals. A big part of this process is
the average consumer who demands cosmetically perfect produce (even if it
has lost nearly all flavor and texture). This applies to cut flowers as
well and demands more spraying than is really necessary for healthy crop
production. At the same time, agricultural pesticides have become more
targeted and less toxic to non-target organisms over time due to regulation
and other selective market pressures. Many of the pesticides that are
familiar to middle age growers in the U.S. are no longer available.
Unfortunately, sales of chemicals banned here have in many cases shifted to
developing countries where awareness is very low and some of those products
come back home to roost by way of imported fruits and vegetables.

Organic standards in the U.S. are high in spite of repeated attempts to
water them down. A farmer converting from standard to organic practice must
satisfy many criteria, including clean soil after years of spraying the
same land. As with using pesticides or GM crops, the motivation for
conversion to organic farming is economic, mostly through higher profits
per acre. I know of one almond grower who converted to organic production
for economic reasons alone since the chemical spray routine had grown too


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