
Peter Taggart
Sun, 25 Nov 2012 22:11:49 PST
Bearded Iris can get "rust" which is unsightly. It is easily controlled,
-spray the ground as well as the plant.

Mostly the old leaves are best removed by pulling them down and away from
the bud starting with the bottom or outer one first. They detach quite
easily if they are ready. In damp conditions the old leaves tend to collect
water around the bud which leads to bacterial rot. There is also a fungal
disease known as "ink spot". In all cases old leaves are best removed. I
have seen both Ink spot and bacterial rot on most types of Iris, and the
old leaves do not pull of some as easily as the bearded types, requiring to
be cut.
Peter (UK)

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 5:25 AM, Alberto Castillo <
> wrote:

> It could be a fungal disease typical of bearded Irises that is easily
> controlled with Zineb.

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