What is a bulb?

Hannon othonna@gmail.com
Sun, 06 May 2012 15:27:05 PDT
Thanks, Alberto for these points. I tend to think of rootstock morphology
mainly, but you are right that cultivation methods are a pertinent
consideration. If Xanthorrhoea (!), Anigozanthos, Asclepias and Doryanthes
are included, are there any meaningful boundaries as to what defines a
geophyte on the wiki? It is difficult enough for the experienced plantsman
to discern what is geophytic or not, but what must the beginner must think
of the inclusion of plants that are shrubs and perennials to most of us?

On 6 May 2012 14:50, Alberto Castillo <ezeizabotgard@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Xantorrhoea is included? Well, finding a bulb of any sort under it would
> be as difficult as finding one under Aristea, Dietes, Kniphofia or the
> Agapanthi. While it is perhaps peculiar to let anybody include whatever
> they want as a bulb of any sort, the main problem is that most information
> concerning bulb cultivation do not apply to such plants. It is intriguing
> why there is any need to include clearly non bulbous plants in the wiki
> when there are already MANY thousands of bulbs, both species and cultivars
> to deal with.
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