Whats blooming now - week of April 30th, 2012

James Waddick jwaddick@kc.rr.com
Thu, 03 May 2012 11:15:03 PDT
Blooming now and 'Fly By'....

Dear Friends,
	We were sitting out on the deck for lunch in the just about 
80 F weather.  The deck is twenty feet from two blooming Dracunculus 
vulgaris, both at peak 'stick', but we were up wind. Apparently the 
smell also rises as first 1, then 2 and finally 4 turkey vultures 
made low 'fly overs'' . I am certain they were attracted to the scent 
or the activity. Fially they drifted off to the south.

	We have three other clumps that will be blooming soon and we 
do admire the large beautiful deep red spathes and darker spadices. 
Really wonders of nature and we feel fortunate that they are hardy 
here and bloom reliably (Zone 5/6). About 2 weeks ago we had two 
blooms on Helicodicerous musciverous an even more outlandish 
inflorescence and stinkier still.

	Some very late planted bulbs of Camassia 'Sacajewea' are 
coming into flower much MUCH after various other cvs. and species.  I 
am a bit disappointed since these are advertised as highly 
variegated, but the variegation is of the short lived spring type. It 
is almost faded by the time of flowering. These were just planted 
late last year (end of season sale from Brent and Becky's) so we hope 
they'll perform better in a more normal season next spring.

	It is just the start of Crinum season here. Some 3 year old 
bubispemum seedlings are just putting up their first spikes. These 
receive no special winter care. Expect to see a range of red to pink 
shades. One of the parent plants is also sending up 4 spikes. Most 
will bloom more in summer than end of spring although the temps 
suggest otherwise.

	An array of hardy glads are starting too. I must dig out the 
excellent key to these mostly Italian species -communis, byzantinum 
and italicus and correct labels. We also have one labelled 'dubia' I 
think from a PBS Seed Ex and a couple other species and colors.

	Odd spring weather with many bulbs and other plants blooming 
way too early and in odd sequences and combinations. See if things 
calm down as summer progresses.

		Best		Jim W.

Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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