Whats blooming now ... need ID, possible Drimia species (Ken)

Hannon othonna@gmail.com
Mon, 21 May 2012 13:25:25 PDT

I think this is something very different. The scapes are almost black, wiry
and tortuous (vs. green and straight) and the bulbs shallow and clustering.
The leaves are all basal (not dissimilar to Drimia haworthioides) compared
to O. hispidum from e.g. Citrusdal, which has a habit more like a
terrestrial orchid overall. Also, in my experience O. hispidum flowers with
leaves whereas this "O. sp." flowers after the leaves are completely dead,
about 6 weeks after O. hispidum. I have not made a comparison of the
On 21 May 2012 10:06, Gottfried Milkuhn <Milkuhn@t-online.de> wrote:

> Hi Ken,
> this plant I have also - it is a form of Ornithogalum hispidum (Little
> Karoo). I  have two provenances... Both are identic.
> Perhaps can help this.
> Gottfried
> Germany
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