pbs Digest, Vol 114, Issue 4

Amelia Hayner abhayner@gmail.com
Wed, 04 Jul 2012 03:05:43 PDT
new to this list, thank you!
not sure where to put the topic line...
I am consumed with envy reading about your climate zone. We are in eastern
NC, hot, humid (about 100 today) air so thick it feels like syrup...
anyway. This time of year I always start thinking about my winter house
plants, and I have this old house with a large sunroom, facing west and
Humidity not as high as a greenhouse, but higher than normal house- run
humidifier out there ( also works as passive solar)
I got some fall/winter blooming oxalis last year, they were a HIT! they are
resting now.
I am wondering if various species of tulbaghias would work.
I am a total fragrance-fanatic! any ideas would be helpful. I recently
missed a tulbaghia fragrans ( I read that's really simmleri) I am still
grieving over... any other sourced for this? and there were a couple more
in that family that looked interesting..
thank you!
Amy Hayner
Z8A , east coast.

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