Unusual Amaryllid foliage

Ken kjblack@pacbell.net
Tue, 31 Jan 2012 07:52:32 PST
Hi Alan,
The pictures in my most recent posts (of Jan 30th) are not my plants.  I am not sure if the grit is just a topping or represents the entire growing medium.  Sorry.
My own preferred germinating medium of late ... for Amaryllids ... is usually a mix of perlite, small pumice and gritty DG (decomposed granite) with NO organic material.   I like to top that with just the DG to deter the pumice and perlite from migrating to the top (which unfortunately, is not always successful.)   I usually add a little organic material to the overall medium with the first transplant to a larger container.

Ken Blackford
San Diego, California  USDA zone 10

--- On Tue, 1/31/12, Alan O'Leary <aoleary@esc.net.au> wrote:

I notice in these photos and previous ones of your own potted plants there
is a fine gravel or grit - is this just a topping on the growing media or
does the entire media consist of this?

Alan O'Leary

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