: Scadoxus multiflorus Katherinae - it's all happening

Alan O'Leary aoleary@esc.net.au
Sun, 08 Jan 2012 07:11:33 PST


This is a very interesting time of year (southern hemisphere) for Scadoxus
multiflorus Katherinae. The bulb is evergreen in my climate, the main plant
stem has split at its base and is falling over ready to wither, a new stem
has emerged and is quickly growing while a flower scape is also growing and
will open in a few weeks. See photos below






My bulb is quite large now and the scape will grow to 3 - 4 ft high topped
by a large umbel of orange red flowers.

A very rewarding bulb to grow in a shady place.


Alan O'Leary

Adelaide , South Australia

Zone 10a





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