The devious calculus of plant acquisition

Ina Crossley
Thu, 16 Feb 2012 11:38:26 PST
Jim, I of course in mild climate Auckland, have them surviving just fine 
in the garden.  Almost all go into the leafless bare corm state.  They 
are in a place where they get little sun, and are open to what rain we 
get, and we get quite a bit.  So with the lack of sun, and the 
occasional rain, they would not dry out completely.  Which is probably a 
state which needs to be duplicated in the cold frame.

They come away and make a marvellous show every winter.  And yes, some 
corms don't survive but the seedlings make up for it.


On 17/02/2012 8:18 a.m., Jim McKenney wrote:
> In my opinion they are well worth the nurturing - I just have not figured out what to do when

Ina Crossley
Auckland New Zealand zone 10a

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