Iris unguicularis hardiness

James Waddick
Fri, 24 Feb 2012 20:43:16 PST
>A correspondent in Germany wrote:
>>Hi, We just had 3 weeks of really cold weather with day temperatures
>>not above -8 degree C and night Temperatures up to - 17 degree C
>>without snow cover. My Iris unguiularis ssp cretensis did not show
>  >any sign of damage

>I agree that I. cretensis, also called I. unguicularis subsp.
cretensis, is more cold-hardy than the North African I. unguicularis.

Dear Jane and Jutta,

	My unguiculares is blooming again. We've had a mild winter 
and buds were just opening. Then we went to 5 degrees F and the 
flowers froze, but 10 days later it is blooming again.

	Iris cretensis (from Jane) looks unfazed under the same 
weather as does I lazica, also related. Neither of these two have 
bloomed yet.

	Last year we went to -12 F and stayed below freezing for 
weeks. I unguiculares and lazica were well mulched, but both bloomed. 
I did not have I cretensis in the ground then.

	Obviously they are quite hardy given a number of specific 
growing conditions. I think like many plants that might be 'tricky' 
to grow in some climates, there is a matter of finding the right 
drainage, soil conditions, mulch, exposure, etc.  I have lost I 
unguiculares and I lazica in other sites over the years.

	For those of you not totally familiar with I unguiculares, it 
has a surprisingly large flower and blooms at or before the 
reticulatas here in Kansas City. I am very happy to grow this form 
that I got from Wildwood Gardens in OR

		Best		Jim W.

Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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