What's blooming 19th February 2012

Ina Crossley klazina1@gmail.com
Sat, 18 Feb 2012 18:03:53 PST
Mostly Rain lilies after the couple of days of heavy rain.  This time of 
the year usually tends towards a drought. Not so far.


Zephyranthes hidalgo
     hidalgo "John Fellers"
     sunset strain
crosses of Zephyranthes

Habranthus robustus
     robustus "Russell Manning"
     tubispathus var texensis

Cyrtanthus elata
Scadoxus katherinae still flowering.

And various others.  More are flowering but I ran out of patience......  
It is hot outside.  Too hot to be outside.


Ina Crossley
Auckland New Zealand zone 10a

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