Iris lazica

James Waddick
Tue, 07 Feb 2012 20:47:34 PST
>Iris lazica is blooming today in one of my cold frames. Two unnamed 
>accessions of the related I. unguicularis have also been blooming.

Dear Jim McK and all,
	Your lazica and unguilares are way ahead. I am close to - if 
not at the limit - but I unguiculares should open its first flower 
the next sunny day and no buds visible on lazica yet. No reticulata 
flowers, but many leaves poking up. Hope to see flowers ln I 
cretensis too. Fingers crossed.

	These are all in the ground and not in cold frames.

>Other than tommies, things are quiet on the crocus front - that's a puzzle.

	Our first was C. sieberi 'Firelfy' - then 'Bowles White' 
followed by ancyrensis and then tommies, but just a few. Still 
anticipating a better show here too.

	Narc. 'Cedric Morris' has been open about 5 weeks and is just 
now looking sad and fading.  Meanwhile 'Rynfeld's Early Sensation' is 
coming on strong and blooming by the dozen.  Eranthis are about done 
and Adonis is well up, but not showing color yet. My few Cyclamen 
have fared as good as any winter and foliage is not badly damaged as 
usual. Even a single Rosmary plant in a cool part of the garden is 
surviving - this is a unique event.

	We too have this very odd weather. No winter to speak of, but 
wondering what's coming  -Snow and freezes in April or may?

		IS it spring?		Best		Jim
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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